Our week nights have been busy with playdates, practices and games... and in the chaos of one of the nights, Kylee got all ready for practice and came up to me and said "I tied my shoes!" Sure enough, she had taught herself to tie and double knot those shoes with no help. She wears velcro or boots most of the time, so we barely ever have had a shoe to practice on... but at night she switches to her BBall sneakers and usually gets little help from mom because she's nursing the baby before we head out. But Kylee and Owen both love doing things without any help from us anyhow, so she figured it out on her own. I was quite impressed.
Last week we had our last FOUR Basketball games, and on Tuesday we had our final BBall party. Kylee's coach brought pizzas, awards, and team pictures to the gym and had a night of fun planned, which included some BBall drills as competition between the players and the parents. It was really fun, and in the end, the little kids romped us- mostly due to the fact that the coach implemented a "skipping race." She did this race in honor of her littlest player, Kylee, who made it a point to skip- instead of run- through almost every game this season. She said that Kylee's skipping was so powerful, that at one point she had 3 other teammates on the court skipping alongside her. It was hilarious! So, the kids skip-raced us parents- which was SO funny! Some of the super competitive dads tried hard to skip fast, but it was no match in style or speed for the K-2nd graders.
Last Basketball game against cousin Shawn!
Basketball is now done and before we move into our spring T-Ball season, we had a transitional running race this weekend. Every year my parents come up and race the 10 mile in Redding, while Wes, his mom and I race the 3 mile. This year, Wes and I didn't do the official race, but were able to work in a nice little jog together between all the races and the watching of the kids. Kylee was old enough to race the 1 mile this year- and her school put together 5 scoring teams to compete! She did awesome- she didn't walk (or skip!) once! As always, it was a great family day with both Wes and my parents- and his brother Adam and cousins, too!
The runners from Trinity County have a great showing at the NorCal river trail race in Redding!
Kylee racing the 1 mile for Weaverville
Kylee and some of her teammates
Our "official" family racers!
After the race with cousin Shawn
And finally, while Kylee has been waiting for her first 2 loose teeth to fall out, we've been staying very entertained in the backyard. I've got Kylee and Owen practicing their hitting off a T and catching, and they're mostly loving it (there is an incident involving mom hitting a line drive straight into Owen's chin... but we don't have to get into that.)! Kylee asked me to take her training wheels off her bike while we were out back, and she is doing so well riding! We have limited patio space, but she's been pedaling short distances without falling or standing to stop! OK... I think we're all caught up on Kylee's milestones... I'll try to post about someone else next time, I promise!
Riding with no training wheels!
Wow, so many accomplishments! Kylee is so stinking cute! I love the picture of her running!
I totally know how you feel. With Elizabeth going through her transitional time as a five year old and Benjamin rapidly approaching his year birthday (already!?!? Really?) Sometimes Dylan gets lost in the shuffle of firsts and accomplishments.
No wonder the kid can't relax. He just wants attention.
I better do a Dylan post, all positives!!
Our little girl is growing up too fast! She has set a big bar for the others to follow.
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