On Saturday, my sweet little Halloween baby turned one! I can't even begin to tell you how fast that year seemed to fly by- Madison is quickly becoming a little girl in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Her silly personality is shining through more and more everyday- and her sweetness continues to grow. She gives the biggest kisses, loves to tickle anyone for a laugh, and playtime is so fun at this age- she'll squeal at the chance to play "chase" or peek-a-boo. I could go on for hours about the joys she brings to our family and about how adored she is by each of us- but I will save that for future posts. For now, I will write about reaching that wonderful 1st Birthday milestone. Since it is such a special birthday, and Halloween fell on the Saturday right before Kylee's Birthday this year- we decided to throw a big kids party again (even though we vowed to stop the insanity and start making birthdays a little more low key for the kids...) But we figured Madi deserved a great 1st Birthday bash- and we made it a sisters party since these girls and their birthdays are so close- so my planner Kylee and I got to work. Here are a few pictures from our super fun/ jam packed October 31, 2009.

The Halloween Cupcakes before the kids got to decorate them with tons of candy!

Candy Cupcake maddness

Madi and her "why are all these people singing to me?" face.

Kylee and her flaming torch cupcake (that's what 6 whole candles close together looks like!)

Some of the 15 kids line up for our Pumpkin Hunt

Kylee gets ready to pin the broomstick on the witch

Grandma Linda, Great Grandma Joy, and Madison sport their awesome costumes.

The party was a ton of fun. Our kids sure do have some great friends, and their parents are super cool and stuck around and hung out and visited with us as well. We were lucky to have all the Scribner cousins come; and Aunties, Uncle, Grandma and Grandpa and Great Grandma all came dressed in costume! It was awesome! After all the friends headed out to get ready for other fun Halloween activities in town, we hung out with family until it was dark enough to walk to Main Street. We had such a fun time Trick or Treating with the cousins. The kids did the loop through all the shops, then wanted to hit all the houses- they have never been so excited about it before. They never complained about how far we walked, and never even minded lugging their big, heavy, overflowing buckets of goodies. (Which they brought home, dumped out, and packaged up the majority of to be sent overseas for the soldiers to enjoy!) I loved every second of the whole night! Here are our Halloween night photos:

Ladybug cousins

Big cousins: Shawn, Brynn, Kylee, Owen

Group Shot

My favorite pic of Owen and Brynn- just giggling to each other like normal- Brynn doesn't seem to even notice Owen's big scary mask :)


Our 1st stop

Birthday Girls