Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Wishing you all a day full of love! Here are some pictures from Valentines Day 2008.
Working hard on her "Bee" Valentine's.

Kylee and Owen help load the car with Valentines for the kids and roses for the teachers.

Kylee is ready to head home from school with her bag of loot!


Sunny said...

Awww....I remember when I was a kid and it always was a lot of fun giving and receiving the little Valentine's Day cards...Man, those were the days. Now Valentine's Days is all complicated. Just Kidding...But Ky and Owen looked like they had a blast on a day full of love! I can't wait to see you all...Happy Valentine's Day from PS Franco!

Andrea said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Amy said...

The Valentine I was given by the kids was the best Valentine I've had in a really long time, it ment so much to me. Their card is on Taylor's art wall in the house. You are all the best, Thanks so much
Love Auntie

Anne Marie said...

We loved yours, too! The cupcakes and tatoos were a huge hit while we tried to entertain the kids and get our work done last night. Glad to hear Kylee and Owen's masterpiece made the art wall, I hope Tay will like it when he see's it. Give him a V-Day hug for us, k?