Monday, February 11, 2008


I caught the tail-end of Owen's groovin' to the live performances from the Grammy's last night. He was so inspired by Kanye West, that he got up from his chicken nugget lunch to show me his moves.


Sunny said...

That was way too cute!! Go OWEN!! I didn't know he could move like that! I guess a little Kanye can do that to you!

Amy said...

He is too funny, he needs to get into acting.

Sunny said...

I agree. I remember the "Lil Honker" video and I do think he's a natural. Keep the camera rollin' Mom!

Anne Marie said...

I don't know if he'd show all his natural silliness if he were before a camera other than his mom's. But, he sure was groovin to Kanye yesterday, I didn't catch any of the wild booty shaking on video- but the little bit I did get was pretty cute. I think he has a little bit of his mom's love for hip hop in him- YAY!